
•   及格/没有更改学分等级
•   导师批准通过/不更改学分等级

*更新: In response to the feedback following the April 3 announcement of the pass/no credit option approval, bet365中文大学 administration decided to extend the pass/no credit option to online and extension courses taken spring 2020. 

In this period of fear and uncertainty brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, we understand that you may have concerns about how you will transition to remote learning and, 最终, how successful you will be in completing your spring semester 2020 coursework. After reviewing the actions of a growing number of 机构s that have instituted emergency grading protocols, bet365中文大学’s administration and faculty have approved a pass/no credit option for students.

结果是, 研究生和本科生可以选择, 咨询他们的学术顾问, to receive a pass/no credit grade to apply to any spring 2020 course(s) that currently use the standard letter grades (A–F). *可以在主校区申请通过/无学分选项, online or extension course(s) but excludes self-paced distance courses with a section of 901. The conversion of the letter grade to the pass/no credit scale is:

信等级 及格/无学分等级(UG) 及格/无学分等级(GR)
A, A-
B+ B-
通过(P) 通过(P)
C+ C- 通过(P)

程序标准 & Accreditation

无信用(NC) 无信用(NC)
  • 本科 students: 学生 electing this option and receiving a “C-“ grade and higher will be issued a “P” grade. 学生 electing this option and receiving a grade of “D” or “F” will be issued an “NC” grade. A “D” grade counts toward 完成程度 for general education (ACE) and general electives courses.
  • 研究生 students: 学生 electing this option and receiving a “B-“ grade and higher will be issued a “P” grade. 学生 electing this option and receiving a grade of “D” or lower will be issued a “NC” grade. Since graduate programs have differing 程序标准 and Accreditation, 得到C+成绩的学生, C, C-将需要咨询他们的程序.

2020年春季 而通行证/无积分选项现在可用, 我们鼓励你考虑所有的等级选择给你. 您的选项摘要如下所示,并且 更多细节和相应的截止日期如下:

  • 退出课程(W) - 该选项仅在4月14日前有效
  • 向你的导师索要一份不完整的合同(一)
  • 经批准的实习可获得延期成绩(DG), 论文和学位论文在公告中注明
  • 获得获得字母等级(A-F, S/U)
  • 与指导老师一起选择及格/无学分(P/NC)

注意事项: As you weigh the above options in light of the transition to remote learning, it is important for you to be aware of the implications before making a decision.

  • 所有成绩都将列在成绩单上
  • Is there a minimum number of credits needed for you to maintain your status (全时或半时)?
    • 国际学生需要全日制
    • 经济援助资格
  • 这个分数对我有影响吗 平均绩点?
    • 以下成绩不影响你的平均绩点: AU/UA、P/NC、S/U、W
  • 这个分数算在我的分数里吗 总学分?
    • The following grades do not count towards your 总学分: AU/UA, DG/I, F, NC, U, W
    • A “D” grade will count towards 总学分 on your transcript; however, “D”成绩不计入完成学位. 如果成绩是D, students may need to retake the course if the minimum grade requirement is higher than a D (参见完成学位).
  • 这个分数算进去吗 完成程度? What is the minimum grade needed in order to count towards my major, cognate, ACE, degree?
    • 咨询你的学术顾问.
    • The following grades do not count towards 完成程度: AU/UA, DG/I, F, NC, U, W
    • 本科生, a “D” grade counts towards 完成程度 for general education (ACE) and general electives.
  • Does this grade negatively impact my satisfactory academic progress and 经济援助资格?
    • Consult your 学生财务服务 advisor to determine how this relates to your financial aid package.
    • Grades AU/UA, DG/I, F, U, W will negatively impact 经济援助资格.
  • 是课程吗? 我的学位要求? 这是先决条件吗?? 这会影响我按时完成学位吗?
    • 参考你的 学术报告 对于项目要求.
    • For questions regarding your program requirements or 先决条件s, 咨询你的学术顾问.
  • 其他注意事项:
    • 完成工作百分比
    • 提高成绩的策略:辅导等.
    • 预料不到的情况
    • 应力水平
    • 反复出现的成绩问题


  1. 教师 will be expected to submit the standard grades for all classes by Wednesday, May 6.
  2. 职系正式公布后, students may elect the pass/no credit option for a course(s) which has an A–F grading option  excluding self-paced distance courses with a section of 901.
    • 学生 graduating May 2020 will have until 5月13日星期三, to select the option. 一旦被选中,学生不得退回到字母等级.
    • All other students will need to elect for the option by 6月15日星期一. Once selected, students may choose to revert back to a letter grade no later than Tuesday, June 30.
  3. 学生应将申请提交给他们的指导老师 COVID-19等级变更表,将于5月7日公布成绩后公布.
  4. Advisor approval may be dependent on the considerations noted above specifically as they relate to Accreditation, 先决条件, 课程标准和学位完成情况.




选择选项的截止日期 选项 成绩单成绩 做决定之前要考虑的事情 我需要做什么?
4月14日星期二 退出一门课程 W =退出
  • 不出席
  • 太落后了
  • 品位低,不能合理回收
  • 繁重的课程负担
  • 非必修课程
  • Maintain full-time/half-time status for international students or financial aid
  1. 学生完成删除/添加表格,以W退出.
  2. 表格上需要指导老师和指导老师的批准.
  3. W grade automatically assigned through the system based on registration status.
从信用到审计的变化 满意审计
UA =不满意
  • Attended at least 80% of the class and with expectation to do so until the end of the semester
  • 非必修课程

可用性: Audits are available for any course except private music lessions and independent study courses provided the instructor gives permission to attend.

  1. 学生完成删除/添加表格,将学分更改为审核.
  2. 表格上需要指导老师和指导老师的批准.
  3. 学院根据库的出勤率分配AU/UA等级.


完成的课程和由学院提交的成绩 A-F
理想的课程和学位完成 教师根据学生的表现给学生打分.
I =不完整
  • 这门课的大部分工作已经完成
  • Student's work is incomplete because of illness or unavoidable circumstances
  • Incompletes cannot be assigned because of negligence or inferior performance
  1. 学生 request an incomplete option from instructor if major portion of the work has been completed.
  2. Instructor creates an agreed upon incomplete contract with student: default grade, 截止日期, 作业需要.
  3. 教员在库中提交成绩.

注意: 2020年春季免除不完整费用.

DN =延迟且不可完成
在学生毕业之前,所有的dg都需要被清除, 除非他们是在另一个当前注册的学位上获得的硕士学位.

可用性: DGs are available for courses recognized to be of such a nature that all the requirements are not likely to be completed within one semester. 包括实习(临床), 野外工作经验, 实习)和需要研究的课程, 比如论文和学位论文.

  1. 指导老师提交DG成绩并通知学生截止日期.
  2. 在导师规定的截止日期之后, 教官可将DG更改为字母级别(a - f), S/U或DN视情况而定.
5月份毕业的学生: 5月13日星期三 新: 选择及格/无学分等级 P =通过
NC =无信用
  • Academic goals: 先决条件s; honors; removal from academic probation
  • 职业目标:考驾照,读研究生,其他
  • 经济影响:奖学金、退伍军人、经济援助
注意: 2020年春季复课, letter grades from the previous course will be excluded from 平均绩点 calculation.

可用性: P/NCs are available for main campus courses with an A-F grading option.

  1. 学生填写表格选择及格/无学分.
  2. 需要顾问批准.
注意: Once selected, a Spring 2020 graduating student may not revert back to a letter grade. All other students may revert back to a letter grade no later than Tuesday, June 30.
其他同学: 6月15日星期一


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